Somewhere on tour with the boys...

The begining of French Taste Of Freedom (Trier Germany 2001)
Me & Eric Matthews
Me & Gary
Steph and I with Eric "Sweaty" Klinger (Strasbourg 2001)
Steph and I with Gary (Strasbourg 2001)
Jérome & Gary (Strasbourg 2002)
French Taste Of Freedom stuff (Strasbourg 2004)
Metal Jerry & Sam FTOF members since the first day!
Gary listening a Pro-Pain's song covered by French band Zombie Eaters
Tom listening a Pro-Pain's song covered by French band Zombie Eaters
Tom is cutting his long hair...
First time I met JC Dwyer (Strasbourg 2004) A very cool guy!
Metal Jerry & Sam with JC Dwyer
Pro-Pain merchandising (Fistful Of Hate tour 2004)
JC Dwyer playing Soulbent stuff unplugged (Basel 2004)
Me recording the show (Aarau 2004) Pics by Mosh (Many thanks)
Alessandro with Tom (2004)
Alessandro with Gary (2004)
Alessandro with JC (2004)
Alessandro with Eric (2004)
Pro-Pain merchandising (Prophets Of Doom tour 2005)
JC Dwyer with dedicated drum skin (Friburg 2005)
Pro-Pain merchandising (Prophets Of Doom tour 2006)
Pro-Pain & FTOF merchandising (Prophets Of Doom tour 2006)
The birthday cake!!! Saarbrucken 2007
Jason & Gary Saarbrucken 2007
JC, Tom, RouxX, Gary & Gilles Saarburcken 2007
Jc, Tom, I & Gary Saarbrucken 2007
Tom & Aaron Saarburcken 2007
Eric Klinger & Alessandro (2007)
Gary & Alessandro (2007)
First time I met Marshall Stephens
Manu & Gary (Colmar 2007)
Manu & Tom (Colmar 2007)
Thierry (RIP) with Tom & Gary (Colmar 2007)
JC Dwyer with Lil' buddah (Paris 2007)
Shopping with Aurel (Zull Fx) in drum store La Baguetterie (Paris 2007)
Marshall playing drums in drum store La Baguetterie (Paris 2007)
Mc Dwyer & Mc Klimchuck working on JC's drum kit. With the "Swiss knife"!
Pro-Pain & FTOF merchandising (Paris 2007)
Manu & Tom Lyon 2008
Pro-Pain & the French Team (Antoine & Pete) Pics by Priska (Many thanks)
Marshal with Road Page Hey! You're on the cover man!
Tom reading Road Page
Lookin' for the restaurant (Colmar 2008)
Finally we found the restaurant! JC with "Chateau La Saussice" wine bottle
First time I met Rick Halverson (Saarbrucken 2009)
Me & Pete Saarbrucken 2009
The kids are back (Mulhouse 2009)
Gary & Jason (Mulhouse 2009)
Gary & Aaron (Mulhouse 2009)
Tom & Aaron (Mulhouse 2009)
Tom & Jason (Mulhouse 2009)
Tom & Malcom (Mulhouse 2009)
Gary & the Pete beer (Mulhouse 2009)
Pro-Pain merchandising (Paris 2009)
Gary & Pascal (Paris 2009)
Carole & Gary (Paris 2009)
Carole & Rick (Paris 2009)
Marshall & Carole (Paris 2009)
Carole & Tom (Paris 2009)
Rob Moschetti with Road Page Issue 16
The band with Boubi after the show (Thionville 2011)
Jason with Gary after the show (Thionville 2011)
Malcom with Gary after the show (Thionville 2011)
Marshall with the Content Under Pressure Box after the show (Thionville 2011)
Rick with the Content Under Pressure Box after the show (Thionville 2011)
Manu with Gary after the show (Thionville 2011)
Manu with Rick after the show (Thionville 2011)
Csilla Eva (Roselare 2013)
Me, Adeline, Adam & Marshall after the Happy birthday song (Roselare 2013)
Adeline & Jonas (Roselare 2013)
Adeline & Gary (Roselare 2013)
Gary and his Godson Longwy 2015
Gary and Stephane Longwy 2015
Gary and I Longwy 2015
Gary and his Godson Saarbrucken 2015
Gary and Malcom Saarbrucken 2015
Gary and Julie Saarbrucken 2015

Strasbourg 2001

Trier 2001

Offenbach 2002

Strasbourg 2002

Trier 2002

Basel 2002

Pratteln 2003

Strasbourg 2003

Aarau 2004

Basel 2004

Strasbourg 2004

Trier 2004

Paris 2004

Zurich 2004

Dudingen 2005

Poitiers 2006

Saarbrucken 2007

Friburg 2007

Paris 2007

Trier 2007

Colmar 2007

Colmar 2008

Saarbrucken 2009

Mulhouse 2009

Paris 2009

Photos session studio 2010

Recording session 2010

Colmar 2010

Thionville 2011

Recording session 2012

Roselare 2013

Longwy 2015

Saarbrucken 2015

French Taste & PRO-PAIN